local function do_brushfire_fight(tries) if not have_intrinsic("Gaze of the Trickster God") then if tries <= 0 then return "No gaze!", requestpath end print("getting gaze!") async_get_page("/adventure.php", { snarfblat = 125 }) text, url = get_page("/fight.php") text, url = handle_adventure_result(text, url, "?", [[ use spectre scepter, indigo cup use spectre scepter, seal tooth repeat ]]) if not have_intrinsic("Gaze of the Trickster God") then return do_brushfire_fight(tries - 1) end end if hp() < maxhp() then cast_skillid(3012) if hp() < maxhp() then return "Not healed!", requestpath end end if not have_buff("Coldform") then return "Missing coldform!", requestpath end print("fighting brushfire!") async_get_page("/plains.php", { action = "brushfire" }) text, url = get_page("/fight.php") text, url = handle_adventure_result(text, url, "?", [[ cast wrath of the trickster god cast throw shield use indigo cup use spectre scepter repeat ]]) return text, url end local automate_brushfire_href = add_automation_script("automate-brushfire", function() local stop = false while not stop do text, url = do_brushfire_fight(5) if not text:contains("10 FDKOL commendations") then stop = true end end return text, url end) add_printer("/plains.php", function() if character["automate simple tasks"] ~= "yes" then return end text = text:gsub("", [[
{ Automate brushfire }
%0]]) end)